Premium Quality Chilean Dried Fruit and Nuts
We are a third generation almond producer and processor, as well as an international exporter and trader, which makes us a vertically integrated company.
Terra Nut is one of the four founding companies o f Chilealmonds. José Tomás Contador, director of this guild and our Commercial Manager talks about the properties of our almonds and the contribution of the Limarí Valley to achieve the extraordinary organoleptic properties of its fruits.
We are one of the largest producers of Chile
At present, Terra Nut has 380 hectares of almonds with the highest quality standards in the country, mainly Non Parelli in 70% and 30% with Californian varieties.
All our production is within the caliber range, 18/20 to 40/+, with a total annual production of 650,000 kilos of almonds.
The fruit is processed in our own plant, which allows us to have total control of the products in all processes.
380 Hectares of almonds in production
They are mainly Non Pareil
Total annual produced
Our Strengths in the industry

We are one of the largest producers in Chile with 380 hectares planted and in production.

Third generation company in the Agroindustry.

We are vertically integrated. We are producers, processors and exporters.

Large own volume, providing peace of mind to our buyers.